Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used healing systems in the world and one of the main modalities within the framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has been used for over 3000 years to support women and their reproductive health. This effective, safe, drug-free therapy addresses the root cause of illness and disease as well as the symptoms and recognizes that the mind, body and spirit are interconnected - treating each person as an integrated whole.

According to TCM, imbalances in the body can be created as a result of various stressors and demands of everyday life. These imbalances disrupt and block the movement of “Qi” (energy, life force) in the body, which can manifest as pain or dis-ease. Acupuncture stimulates the flow of Qi in order to move these blockages and encourage the body’s innate healing mechanism to restore a healthy equilibrium. This therapy can be beneficial from pre-conception to postpartum, and beyond.

Rates and Services as of October 8, 2022:

  • Acupuncture Initial Consultation (75 minutes) - $124

  • Acupuncture Follow-up (60 minutes) - $95

  • Late Pregnancy Appointment (60 minute) - $100 - Learn More Here

  • Late Pregnancy Follow-up (45 minutes) $84

  • Cupping Therapy (45 minutes) - $75

Note: During your initial appointment, our acupuncturist will complete a holistic assessment. Your treatment plan will be tailored towards your needs and may include additional modalities such as cupping or moxibustion. An intake form will be automatically emailed to you to complete after booking your initial visit online.

Insurance Coverage and Direct Billing: Most extended health plan cover acupuncture when done by a Registered Acupuncturist. We will be offering direct billing for acupuncture services very soon (later in February).


Because of acupuncture’s ability to reduce stress, increase blood flow and correct imbalances in the body, it can be helpful in regulating the menstrual cycle, hormone levels and ovulation. This makes it an effective treatment for supporting and increasing natural fertility and as an adjunct therapy to ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). Regular treatments for at least 3 months prior are recommended, while integrating dietary and lifestyle shifts if necessary, to gently guide your body back into a state of balance and health.

Acupuncture can be used to help:

  • Irregular periods

  • Painful periods

  • PMS and PMT

  • Assist in implantation

  • Prevent miscarriage

  • Reduce side effects of pharmaceuticals

  • PCOS

  • Improve ovarian function and egg quality

  • Balance hormones for increasing follicle production

  • Increase blood flow to the uterus for optimal endometrial health

Studies show that when used alongside reproductive technologies, such as IVF and IUI, Acupuncture may improve pregnancy rates by over 40%.


Acupuncture can encourage a healthy pregnancy and help to ease you through the many physical and emotional changes that can occur throughout each trimester. It may also be effective in preventing some of the common complications that can lead to medical intervention, or as a complimentary support.

Early pregnancy:

  • Threatened miscarriage / bleeding

  • Pain and discomfort

  • Emotional support

  • Fatigue

  • Morning sickness

  • Migraines/headaches

  • Heartburn and digestive issues

Throughout pregnancy:

  • Back and pelvic pain

  • Sciatica

  • UTIs

  • Anemia

  • Varicose veins

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Insomnia

Late pregnancy:

  • Pain and discomfort

  • Constipation, hemorrhoids

  • Edema

  • Improving baby’s positioning

  • Varicose veins

  • Post-dates support to encourage spontaneous labour (and help avoid medical induction)

  • IUGR / small for gestational age babies

  • Oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid)

  • Cervical ripening and labour preparation (physical and emotional)

Frequency of visits will vary depending on your individual needs and how readily your body responds to treatment. It's important to note that, like any medicine, everyone responds differently to acupuncture.

It is recommended to begin pre-birth treatments (labour preparation) at week 36.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, birth is a shift from a “yang” state, to a “yin” state, in which a woman loses an abundance of her vital energy (qi, blood, essence).The postpartum period is an essential time of rest and recovery, and gentle nurturing, not only for baby but for the new mother as well. Acupuncture can help to ease the transition to motherhood and provide relief with:

  • Labour recovery / c-section healing

  • Emotional / mood support

  • Breastfeeding issues / lactation support

  • Pain reduction

  • Mastitis

  • Stress and exhaustion

  • Sleep and adapting to your new life!

During a treatment, additional modalities within the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine may be recommended, such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, various bodywork techniques, and dietary therapy, if appropriate for your health needs.

Cupping: An ancient Chinese method of causing local congestion. A partial vacuum is created by cups placed on the skin using either heat or suction. When the cup is left in place for a few minutes, “blood stasis” is formed and localized healing takes place. The cups draw up the underlying tissues to circulate Qi and blood, release toxins and activate the lymphatic system.

Moxibustion: a traditional form of heat therapy that involves the safe, controlled burning of a Chinese herb on or near acupuncture points or body areas to warm and invigorate Qi and promote healing. It is quite well-known for its use in helping to turn a breech baby, but is also utilized for many concerns and conditions throughout pregnancy and postpartum.

Tui Na: Chinese massage therapy that works on the same principles as acupuncture, with the use of hands and fingers instead of needles. Through a combination of massage and acupressure, Tui Na applies pressure to acupuncture points and channels, and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the free flow of Qi.

Electro-acupuncture: A gentle electrical current is applied to acupuncture needles to produce consistent stimulation of the acupuncture points, in order to manipulate and move Qi. The frequency and intensity of the stimulation can be adjusted to your comfort level and treatments may be shorter than regular acupuncture treatments due to the continued, and often stronger, stimulation. Electro-acupuncture can be an effective pre-labour treatment to help ripen the cervix and promote contractions.

Gua Sha: Gua means “to scrape” and Sha means “redness” or “swelling”. Gua Sha is the therapeutic use of instruments to apply pressure or friction, either over muscle tissue, joints or specific acupuncture channels, which helps to circulate blood, lymph and Qi, and detoxify the body. This technique is often used to treat various pain conditions, especially muscle, tendon, ligament and connective tissue injuries, and can be used to enhance the immune response when fighting colds & flu.

Eastern Nutrition: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, food is therapy and is often the first medicine used when addressing imbalances in the body. It is classified according to its qualities and energetic effects rather than in terms of calories, proteins and fats. Eastern nutrition is not just a matter of eating nourishing, healthy food but of eating nourishing healthy food that is right for each individual. A “diet” based on your constitution, the nature of your condition, and even the season and climate are all taken into consideration in Chinese dietary therapy.

Stacey Hess, Registered Acupuncturist

In working alongside obstetricians and midwives for many years, I discovered my love for maternal health and wellness. I've seen, firsthand, the world of difference it makes when women feel supported, informed, nurtured, strong and healthy, and the role this plays on the path to motherhood. My passion and purpose is to help contribute to a joyous, empowered and healing pregnancy journey through the use of natural, safe, effective healthcare.

I have been studying and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over a decade, and have been a member in good standing with the CTCMPAO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario) since 2013. I've completed postgraduate obstetric acupuncture training and have safely supported many clients from pre-conception through all four trimesters, with acupuncture and TCM. My treatments are always tailored specifically to each individual's needs and goals, and can include acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, tui na, eastern nutrition and more.
In 2018, I completed an intensive 270-hour Holistic Doula program at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, BC, the most comprehensive doula program in North America, in which I gained invaluable knowledge, experience and a toolkit of holistic therapies to further support each individual I work with. 

In Chinese Medicine, it is said that we nourish the root to sustain the leaves and I believe that your health as a mother is the root of family health.
Location: Central Ave.
Accepting new clients, including fertility and all stages of pregnancy, and postpartum.