Interested in direct billing? Check out the below list of insurance companies we are currently working with.

For in-person appointments, please bring your insurance card when you arrive for your appointment and let the front desk staff know when you arrive that you’d like to do direct billing.

For virtual appointments, please email us and we will email you the insurance form (through the Janeapp booking software) which you can complete before your virtual appointment. You can also let your health practitioner know at the end of the appointment that you’d like to do direct billing, and they can make a note in your profile so that admin knows to send you the insurance form.

Our Insurance Form will automatically be sent to initial visits, but if you do not receive the Insurance form, please email or call us and we can manually send it to you.

Email Hyde Park for Insurance Form OR Email Central Ave for Insurance Form

List of Insurance Companies we can direct bill to:

Canada Life
BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators
Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Cowan Insurance Group
Desjardins Insurance
Empire Life
Equitable life of Canada - NEW!
First Canadian
Green Shield Canada
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc.
Johnston Group
Manulife Financial (OTIP RAEO - Ontario Teacher’s Insurance Plan)
Medic Construction
Maximum Benefit
SSQ Insurance
Sun Life
TELUS AdjudiCare
Union Benefits

More details on Direct Billing

We can only direct bill to ONE insurance company and not to two companies, so if you have secondary insurance, we can only submit to the primary one and not to both companies. The two electronic portals that we use for claim submissions, Provider Connect and Telus EHealth, do not allow electronic submissions for secondary insurance coverage. We will provide you with a detailed receipt of your claim to your primary insurance company, which you can use this receipt to submit on your own to your secondary provider.

Your insurance company may require you to register for direct billing, so you might have to log into your site or call your insurer to complete this first. Your specific health plan may not allow direct billing.

If you are an undergraduate student at Western and have PurpleCare (GroupNet by Canada Life), you will need to log-in to download your benefits card, set up direct billing and update your address. You can access more information or contact your health administrator here -

We can submit claims for OTIP RAEO (Ontario Teacher's Insurance Plan), which is through Manulife Financial, so select that as the insurance company in the form.