Is your baby in a breech position, or are you past (or close) to your estimated due date?

You may be feeling anxious, uncomfortable, or frustrated about being past your due date or trying to get baby into an optimal birthing position. A late pregnancy appointment with our Naturopathic Doctor or our Postpartum Doula can help address your concerns and increase the chances of natural labour progression.

The late pregnancy appointment  is for those looking for natural ways to prepare their body and mind for labour. You can book this appointment in the third trimester of your pregnancy, at 36 weeks and beyond.

Services and Fees:

Registered Acupuncture Services with Stacey Hess

  • Late Pregnancy Appointment - 60 minutes for $95

  • Follow-Up Visit for Late Pregnancy - 45 minutes for $70

  • Notes: Registered Acupuncture services are often covered by extended health plans. We offer direct billing to major insurance companies. See our full list here.

Naturopathic Services with Dr. Alecia Chevalier

  • Late Pregnancy Appointment - 45 minutes for $105

  • Follow-up Visit for Late Pregnancy - 35 minutes for $75

  • Notes: Naturopathic Services are often covered by Extended Health Insurance Plans. You can call your provider to confirm. HST is not applicable.

What is included in the Late Pregnancy Appointment with Stacey Hess, Postpartum Doula?

In this appointment, Stacey will explore possible imbalances in your body, be it physical or emotional and look at ways to support you using various modalities, to come back into balance and prepare your body for labour, naturally. This can include helping to ripen/soften the cervix, supporting baby into an optimal position for labour, naturally increasing oxytocin production, easing any stress, anxiety or physical pains you may be feeling, and encouraging the onset and natural progression of labour when safe to do so.

Depending on your needs, therapies that may be recommended are acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, dietary recommendations, herbs, homeopathy, exercises or massage techniques. Additional strategies and resources for self-care "homework" will also be offered, so that you have some tools to take with you and support you in feeling a little more mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for birth.

What is included in the Late Pregnancy Appointment with Dr. Alecia Chevalier?

  • Acupuncture - Acupuncture has been shown not only to help progress labour, but also to help relax and ease pre-labour anxieties to enable cervical dilation and allow for natural labour progression. Research shows that expectant parents who receive acupuncture every other day past their due date have an increased chance of spontaneous labour, without induction.

  • Herbs - Herbal remedies taken as tinctures act to tonify the uterus and encourage relaxation for contractions to begin naturally.

  • Lifestyle - You will learn about some strategies you can do at home that can help bring your labour on naturally.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for birth?

  • Acupuncture once a week at 36 weeks onwards can have an overall positive effect on the birthing process. Pre-birth acupuncture has been shown to reduce the rate of medical interventions and achieve a shorter active labour.

  • Acupuncture also plays a role in softening the cervix, engage baby with the pelvis, and beginning cervical dilation.

  • Acupuncture can also help with turning a breech baby, and pain management during labour.

Stacey Hess, Postpartum Doula

Stacey Hess Headshot 2020.png

I have been studying and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over a decade, and have been a member in good standing with the CTCMPAO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario) since 2013. I've completed postgraduate obstetric acupuncture training and have safely supported many clients from pre-conception through all four trimesters, with acupuncture and TCM. My treatments are always tailored specifically to each individual's needs and goals, and can include acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, tui na, eastern nutrition and more. In 2018, I completed an intensive 270-hour Holistic Doula program at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, BC, the most comprehensive doula program in North America, in which I gained invaluable knowledge, experience and a toolkit of holistic therapies to further support each individual I work with.
Location: Central Ave in Person on Mondays and Fridays.